Just this, that, and the other today (I was up late, last night and working again early this morning on an outside project...so I'm all written-out):
At Unforgiven last night, the big Cena/Orton WWE title match barely made it into the ring before being called a DQ at the eight-minute mark. What a rip-off...glad I didn't shell out forty bucks.
Terrible, snooze-inducing Chase opener yesterday in Nextel Cup. Good on Clint Bowyer, though. He's had this coming for a long time.
I haven't seen officials conspire to give a football game away like the zebras did at Arkanasas/Alabama in a long time. Just an absolutely brutal pass-interference call in the end zone and then the most casual, standing-around-twiddling-thumbs clock restart following a first down ever. EVER. They looked like they were asking the 'Bama players, "You rested now? You okay? Need a little more time? We can give you a little more time. No problem. You need it?" Poor Houston Nutt looked like he was about to vapor-lock on the Razorback sideline. Horrible.
I'm sorry...but I've always thought this woman was a lot more "old pal" to Brian Nichols than "hostage." To the extent that she's got her crap together and improved her lot in life...well, okay...congratulations, I guess. But she still irks.
Finally...In an Appalachian State-like upset, "30 Rock" took home the Outstanding Comedy Series Emmy last night over "The Office." I implore you...if you're not watching "30 Rock," give it a shot in a couple of weeks. Jerry Seinfeld is guesting on the season premiere. Go rent the DVDs from this last season. You'll laugh a lot. Promise.
I was kinda glad to see Boyer win the Nextel race. Even though, I don't really follow NASCAR, he still gets big ups for the best finish ever at the Daytona 500. If that wasn't the most indirect PSA ever made for MADD, I don't know what is.
Also thought you'd get a kick outta this...
You know...I got the Twitter widget out of pure peer pressure. Now I'm hooked.
I'm all a-Twitter!
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